[mefi-projects] #017 19-Aug-2001

MetaFilter returns tomorrow.  All hail the Haughey!  Two items this week.

Buzz Rant & Rave
    Buzz Rant & Rave covers culture, politics, technology and music with an
intellectual edge. Our latest blog-ey feature is called "Tangled Up in URLs"
-- it's links (with commentary), where each post has to include a sequential
line of Bob Dylan's lyrics to "Tangled Up in Blue." The site is updated a
couple of times per week.
    -- andrewraff

    Posted a splash page with some preview art to solicit submissions for
exotopia, which we plan to launch this winter with comics, art, photography,
stories and such from a bunch of collaborators, as well as the first part of
a comic book story I'm working on of the same name. Looking for more people
to get involved...
    -- moth

Got a new site or a major change to announce?  E-mail the site's name, URL,
your MetaFilter user name, and a brief (fifty words or thereabouts) blurb to
mefi-projects AT jerrykindall.com.

To get off this list, send any message to:
<mefi-projects-off AT jerrykindall.com>