[mefi-projects] #061 01-Jun-2003

Has it really been April since I sent one of these out?  Egads.  Anyway,
keep those announcements coming!

Lists Of Bests <http://listsofbests.com/>
    The best of the 'Best of' books, movies, and music lists in one place.
Plus, an easy way to keep track of which items on the lists you've read,
seen, or heard.
    -- misterioso

GamesFilter <http://www.gamesfilter.com>
    GamesFilter is a new collaborative weblog modeled on MetaFilter, all
about games! We discuss all sorts of games, not just computer games
(although those inevitably crop up the most often).
    -- adrianhon

The Map Room <http://www.mcwetboy.net/maproom/>
    A weblog about maps.
    -- mcwetboy

Ontario Herpers <http://www.ontarioherpers.org/>
    Provides a central location for web pages and mailing lists about
non-profit, educational, or field-related amateur herpetology in Ontario.
    -- mcwetboy

[ed. note: that's HERPERS, people, with TWO R's!]

CapsuleDay.com <http://www.capsuleday.com/>
    An ongoing virtual time capsule centered on Philadelphia. On one day
(Aug. 23 in 1999 - this year it's Aug. 21), videographers/photographers
capture as much footage as possible about how life is lived and what the
urban environment looks like, as the basis for future virtual-reality "time
    -- soyjoy

Got a new site or a major change to announce?  E-mail the site's name, URL,
your MetaFilter user name, and a brief (fifty words or thereabouts) blurb to
mefi-projects AT jerrykindall.com.  If you want to make the moderator a happy
camper, do it in the same format as the ones you see above.

To get off this list, send a message to <mefi-projects-off AT jerrykindall.com>
Archives of this list are at <http://www.jerrykindall.com/mefi-projects/>

mefi-projects. for the less perfect world.